A suite of innovative and interconnected services integrated into EOSC- HUB and used by the EOSC scientific communities to support thematic and multidisciplinary research in Earth Science.
About reliance
Reliance means trust
RELIANCE will extend the EOSC service offering with a set of industry-strong, innovative, interconnected services for the open, efficient, and cross-disciplinary management of the research lifecycle. RELIANCE brings into EOSC more than 3,000 research objects from research communities like Earth Science, represented by three project partners, but also others like Astrophysics and Bioinformatics, which have embraced research objects concept and tools, and will become the best ambassadors to enlarge and engage new communities
RELIANCE brings into EOSC more than 3,000 research objects from research communities.
Interconnected services for the open, efficient, and cross-disciplinary management of the research lifecycle.
All RELIANCE services will be connected and integrated with EOSC.
Once Open Call is availabe - then our further services will be extended to the users community.
Provision of a rich suite of services for Research Lifecycle Management in accordance with FAIR principle based on Research Objects, Data Cubes and Text Mining

Integration and onboarding of RELIANCE research enabling services in EOSC, leveraging and connecting with other complementary EOSC services
Demonstrate the RELIANCE services and value proposition through a set of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary case studies involving Earth Science and non-Earth Science domains.

Foster the adoption of Copernicus data and EOSC services in such scientific communities
Reliance in numbers
project organization
The RELIANCE project is a 24 months initiative based on seven Work packages.
The core technical and research activities are carried out across WPs from WP3 to WP6, which are in charge of developing the 3 main different services Reliance will provide to its users. Central to the finalization and integration into EOSC of the services is WP6. The project coordination is run under WP1, while WP2 Dissemination/Exploitation and WP7 Scientific use cases are strictly connected to the EOSC services and communities.
- WP1
- WP2
- WP3
- WP6
- WP7

project timeline
Next schema summarized how Reliance will structure
its activities during the project
How to reach us ?
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Jana Pawła II 10
61-139 Poznan
Email: info@reliance-project.eu
Telephone: (+48 61) 858-20-01
Fax: (+48 61) 852-59-54